Sunday, November 2, 2014

The Unknown Impact

I never really know what impact I have had on the students I work with.  It is interesting when a student says "You are my favorite teacher" and I reply: "No way...You hate me?"  I usually perceive that if I am tough on a student who doesn't seem to  have their act together that my constant  harping on them to do what they need to do to be successful makes them hate me.  Maybe hate is  a strong word but it certainly doesn't feel like they like me.  So I am always startled when they say  "No I don't hate you.  You are my favorite."  

I respond "How can that be? I yell at you all of the time to do your work and be focused"  and they say "You are my favorite."

How do you get to be the favorite?

I try to  push students to do more than they  really want to do.

I treat everyday like a clean slate. We cannot do anything about what happened yesterday so let's move on.

I try to trivialize things that seem hard and help them see that they are not so hard.

I try to greet my students at the door daily.

I have a pattern and routine that is known so that nothing I say or do is unexpected.

I try treat them as independent adults and allow them to use their time to complete what it is they need to complete. 

I celebrate  daily victories with  fist bumps and high fives (they have to sting a little or it just isn't worth it)
I celebrate weekly victories with  a pencil, candy and a note sent home recognizing achievement. 
I celebrate quarterly victories with cupcakes and brownies.

I suggest ways to  communicate with their teachers to help them develop those skills through email and conversations.

I call myself "mom" at school as I vigilantly check grades and missing assignments and help them try to do better.

I try to be honest.

Sometimes people ask me: "Are your students good this year?" and I usually respond "They don't have any choice."  I try to help them be good.

I am guessing these are a few of the things that qualify me to be their favorite.  What are you doing to  be a favorite of your students?

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